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Friday, July 14, 2006
Devotion for Benediction
O JESUS, Who art about to give Thy Benediction to me, and to all who are here present, I humbly beseech Thee that it may impart to each and all of us the special graces we need. Yet more than this I ask. Let Thy blessing go forth far and wide. Let it be felt in the souls of the afflicted who cannot come here to receive it at Thy Feet. Let the weak and tempted feel its power wherever they may be. Let poor sinners feel its influence, arousing them to come to Thee. Grant to me, O Lord, and to all here present, a strong personal love of Thee, a lively horror of sin, a higher esteem of grace, great zeal for Thy honour and glory, for the interest of Thy Sacred Heart for the salvation of souls, for our sanctification and that of all those confided to our care, and grant that in our intercourse with others we may lead many souls to Thee. Amen.