Father in heaven, we come to you with our friend, Jude Thaddeus, to thank you for the gift of life, for the gift of faith, and especially for the gift of experiencing the love of Christ at work in us. Fill us with a spitit of joyous hope as we search for your will in our lives.
We believe in your fatherly love that has constantly been our source of strength in time of trial. Help us to realize that it is through these trials we triumph by the power of him who loved us and gave his life for us.
As we now ask for your mercy and grace, so we now forgive all who have injured us. We place all our failures to forgive and forget into your healing hands.
St. Jude, pray with us, that our trust in our heavenly Father may be unwavering.
Hear us and help us.
St. Jude, pray with us, that we may receive the gift of faith that moves mountains.
Hear us and help us.
St. Jude, pray with us, that we may persevere in asking for the light of the Holy Spirit.
Hear us and help us.
O God, the Apostle Saint Jude Thaddeus was a faithful servant and friend of your Son and our Lord, Jesus Christ. His name has been forgotten by many because of the name of a traitor who delivered our beloved Master into the hands of his enemies. But your Church honors him and invokes his intercession universally as the patron of those in difficulty who have found no other help. Grant that through Saint Jude's intercession we may know your will for us, have the strength to do it, and enjoy the consolation of your Holy Spirit as well as your blessings in time and in eternity. Heavenly Father, may Saint Jude intercede for us in all our necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly (here make your needs known). With him and all the saints may we praise you with your Son and Holy Spirit forever. Amen.
St. Jude Thaddeus, pray for us.
And for all who invoke your aid.
(Cum Permissu Superiorum) Dominican Fathers, Shrine of St. Jude Thaddeus, 1909 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60608
1 comment:
I prayed for St Jude to help me. I needed a miracle and he provided that miracle for me along with God and Mary. With their help, guidence and support, I finally proved to the courts that I am of no threat to my son and now have my son back home with me. I thought that no one would listen to me or believe me, my soon to be ex-husband lied and told the courts that I would harm my son. I had to prove to the courts through a series of court dates and evaluations that this was and still is a complete and total lie. They sent me a Judge willing to listen to the truth of a woman standing alone, even though he had false witnesses and I had none. Now I have my son back in my house with me and no one can take him from me again based off lies, deciet and manipulation. ST Jude, GOD and Mary gave me the most precious gift of all, my son, faith and belief in myself and them. So if you have a problem that you can't handle ask them for help they will answer... If they did it for me they will do it for you as well. Just ask.. :)
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