By the devout recital of this prayer for the above space of time, we may mercifully hope to obtain our lawful request. It is particularly recommended as a proper devotion for every day in Lent, and all Fridays throughout the year.
(Here mention or reflect on your lawful request, with the reservation of its being agreeable to the will of God, who sees whether it will contribute towards your spiritual good.)
And as I am persuaded, my Divine Saviour doth honor thee as His beloved mother, to whom He refuses nothing, because you ask nothing contrary to His honor, so let me speedily experience the efficacy of thy powerful intercession, according to the tenderness of thy maternal affection, and His filial loving heart, who mercifully granteth the requests, and complieth with the desires of those that love and fear Him. Wherefore, O most Blessed Virgin, besides the object of my petition, and whatever else I may stand in need of, obtain for me also of thy dear Son, our Lord and our God, a lively faith, firm hope, perfect charity, true contrition of heart, a horror of sin, love of God and my neighbor, contempt of the world, patience to suffer affronts and ignominies: nay, even, if necessary, an opprobrious death itself, for love of thy Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Obtain likeweise for me, O sacred Mother of God, perseverance in good works, performance of good resolutions, mortification of self-will, a pious conversation through life, and, at my last moments, strong and sincere repentance, accompanied by such a lively and attentive presence of mind, as may enable me worthily to receive the last sacraments of the Church, and die in thy friendship and favor. Lastly, obtain, I beseech thee, for the souls of my parents, brethren, relatives, and benefactors, both living and dead, life everlasting. Amen.