Our ongoing collection of the most beautiful and most profound and edifying pious pictures and texts which we can get hold of to present them in digital form to our readers.
Roman Catholic Center of Electronic and Print Media Apostolate -- The IMMACULATA-CENTER in Switzerland was founded in 1967 by the launch of a monthly periodical named «DAS ZEICHEN MARIENS» (= The Sign of Mary) and an accompaning sale of books by correspondence as well as the publishing of a series of paperback books and brochures. -
Le CENTRE IMMACULATA en Suisse a été fondé en 1967 par la publication du périodique mensuel en langue allemande «DAS ZEICHEN MARIENS» (= Le Signe de Marie) et par la distribution de livres catholiques ainsi que l'édition d'une série de livres brochés et brochures.