Thursday, June 21, 2007

Our Lady of the Smile and Saint Theresa of the Infant Jesus

"I will let fall from heaven a shower of roses". (Word from Saint Theresa of the Infant Jesus)

PRAYER: O Mary, Mother of Jesus and our Mother who, through a visible smile, did once console and cure thy privileged child, Saint Theresa of the Infant Jesus, we beseech thee, console us also in the sorrows of this life; detach our hearts from the world. Grant us health both of soul and body, strengthen our hope, obtain for us the favor of etenally enjoying in heaven thy gracious motherly smile. Amen.

O Virgin of the smile, convert sinners, heal the sick, and assist the dying.
Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus, pray for us.
Imprimatur: (200 jours d'indulgence) Paul-Emile Cardinal Léger, Arch. de Montréal, 7 novembre 1960. - Litho Sainit-Gabriel, Montréal, Canada

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