Thursday, January 10, 2008

Promises of Our Lord Jesus Christ to all those devout to His Sacred Face

Antlitz Christi

  1. Thanks to my Humanity imprinted in them, they will obtain a living reflection of my Divinity; they will be irradiated to the depth of the soul in such a way that, thanks to their resemblance to my Face, they will be more glorious in Eternity than many others.
  2. At the moment of death I will restore in them the image of God which has been disfigured by their sins.
  3. By venerating my Holy Face in a spirit of expiation, they will be as pleasing to Me a St. Veronica; they will render Me a service equal to hers, and I will engrave my divine Features in their souls.
  4. This adorable Face is like the Seal of the Divinity which has power to imprint on the souls who turn towards It, the image of God.
  5. The more they endeavour to restore my Face, disfigured by insults and profanity, the more I shall concern Myself with their souls disfigured by sin. I shall imprint my Image anew on them and make them as beautiful as they were at the moment of Baptism.
  6. By offering my Holy Face to my Father, they will appease his Divine Wrath and obtain the conversion of sinners, as if with heavenly money.
  7. My Heavenly Father will refuse them nothing when they offer Him my Holy Face. I Myself will speak to my Father, laying before Him all their needs.
  8. They will work great marvels by means of my Holy Face. I will enlighten them with my light, enfold them in my love and grant them perseverance in well-doing.
  9. I will never abandon them.
  10. Close to my Father, I will be the advocate of all those who by word, prayer or writintg, will uphold my cause in this work of reparation. At the hour of death, I shall purify their souls from all stain of sin and I will restore to them their original beauty.

Extracts from the life of St. Gertrude, St. Mechtilde and of the servant of God, Sister Mary of St. Peter, Carmelite of Tours.

Prayer of Saint Theresa of the Infant Jesus to the Holy Face

O Jesus, Who in your cruel passion became the 'opprobrium of men and the man of sorrows', I venerate your divine countenance, upon which once shone the beauty and gentleness of the Divinity, and which has now become for me the countenance of a 'leper'. But under these disfigured traits I recognize your infinite love, and I am consumed with the desire to love you and to make all men love you. The tears which flow so abundantly from your eyes appear to me as precious pearls, which I love to gather in order to redeem with their infinite value the souls of poor sinners.
O Jesus, whose countenance is the only beauty which ravishes my heart, I beseech you to impress in me your divine resemblance, to set me on fire with your love, in order that I may soon come to see your glorious countenance in heaven. Amen.

Nihil obstat: fr. M-St. Morard O.P., libr. cens. - Imprimatur: Friburgi Helv., die 2. III. 1956, L. Saeber, vic. gen. - Published by: Typografy St. Canisius, Fribourg, Switzerland

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