Wednesday, June 18, 2008

St. Philomena, Virgin, Martyr and Wonder Worker

Pray to St. Philomena, whatever you ask from Her She will obtain for you. (Pope Gregory XVI)

"To Philomena, nothing is refused" - Blessed Virgin Mary

Saint Philomena
O Saint Philomena, Virgin and Martyr, whom God glorifies by so many miracles, whom the Vicar of Jesus Christ has named the Protectress of The Living Rosary and the Children of Mary, manifest, more and more plainly from the heights of Heaven, that a voice holy as thine cannot be denied and that we have the right to rely upon thine aid. Obtain for us the grace to be faithful to Jesus Christ, even to death. Amen.

After 15 hundred years of obscurity in the catacombs, the precious relics of Saint Philomena, Virgin and Martyr, were discovered on May 25th, feast of Our Lady Help of Christians, in 1802. Within 35 years of her discovery this young Grecian Princess was raised to the altars and proclaimed the Wonder-Worker of the 19th century, so numerous and striking were the miracles obtained through her powerful intercession. Shrines, altars and monuments were erected world wide in honor of St. Philomena, Powerful with God!

While to other Saints is granted the power of helping us in one or another necessity, Saint Philomena has been granted the power of helping us in every necessity, both spiritual and temporal. Let us turn to her with great confidence, love and faith. She is the 'beloved daughter' of Jesus and Mary to whom nothing is refused.
"My children, St. Philomena, has great power with God. Her virginity and generosity in embracing her heroic martyrdom has rendered her so agreeable to God that He will never refuse her anything that she asks for us." (St. John Vianney (Curé of Ars)
"Philomena is a great Saint." (Pope Leo XII)
"Have full confidence in this great Saint, she will obtain for you all that you ask." (Ven. Pauline Jaricot)
"Our accursed enemy is this great Virgin and Martyr, St. Philomena, Devotion to her is a new and terrible warfare to hell." (devils during exorcism)

Litany of St. Philomena
(Composed by St. John Vianney)

Lord have mercy on us.
Christ have mercy on us.
Lord have mercy on us.
God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity one God, have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, Queen of Virgins,
St. Philomena,
St. Philomena, filled with the most abundant graces from your very birth,
St. Philomena, faithful imitator of Mary,
St. Philomena, model of Virgins,
St. Philomena, temple of the most perfect humility,
St. Philomena, inflamed with zeal for the Glory of God,
St. Philomena, victim of the love of Jesus,
St. Philomena, example of strength and perseverance,
St. Philomena, invincible champion of chastity,
St. Philomena, mirror of the most heroic virtues,
St. Philomena, firm and intrepid in the face of torments,
St. Philomena, scourged like your Divine Spouse,
St. Philomena, pierced by a shower of arrows,
St. Philomena, consoled by the Mother of God, when in chains,
St. Philomena, cured miraculously in prison,
St. Philomena, comforted by angels in your torments,
St. Philomena, who preferred torments and death to the splendors of a throne,
St. Philomena, who converted the witnesses of your martyrdom,
St. Philomena, who wore out the fury of your executioners,
St. Philomena, protectress of the innocent,
St. Philomena, patron of youth,
St. Philomena, refuge of the unfortunate,
St. Philomena, health of the sick and the weak,
St. Philomena, new light of the church militant,
St. Philomena, who confounds the impiety of the world,
St. Philomena, who stimulates the faith and courage of the faithful,
St. Philomena, whose name is glorified in Heaven and feared in Hell,
St. Philomena, made illustrious by the most striking miracles,
St. Philomena, all powerful with God,
St. Philomena, who reigns in glory.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
V.) Pray of us, Great St. Philomena,
R.) That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray

We implore Thee, O Lord, by the intercession of Saint Philomena, Virgin and Martyr, who was ever most pleasing to Thy eyes by reason of her eminent purity and the practice of all the virtues, pardon us our sins and grant us all the graces we need (and name any special grace you may require). Amen.

Novena to St. Philomena

O great St. Philomena, glorious Virgin and Martyr, wonder-worker of our age, I return most fervent thanks to God for the miraculous gifts bestowed on thee, and beseech thee to impart to me a share in the graces and blessings of which thou hast been the channel to so many souls. Through the heroic fortitude with which thou didst confront the fury of tyrants and brave the frowns of the mighty rather than swerve from thy allegiance to the King of Heaven, obtain for me purity of body and soul, purity of heart and desire, purity of thought and affection.
Through thy patience under multiplied sufferings, obtain for me a submissive acceptance of all the afflictions it may please God to send me and as thou didst miraculously escape unhurt from the waters of the Tiber, into which thou wert cast by order of thy persecutor, so may I pass through the waters of tribulation without detriment to my soul. In addition to these favors, obtain for me, O faithful spouse of Jesus, the particular intention I earnestly recommend to thee at this moment. O pure Virgin and holy Martyr, deign to cast a look of pity from Heaven on thy devoted servant, comfort me in affliction, assist me in danger, above all come to my aid in the hour of death. Watch over the interests of the Church of God, pray for its exaltation and prosperity, the extension of the faith, for the Sovereign Pontiff, for the clergy, for the perseverance of the just, the conversion of sinners, and the relief of the souls in purgatory, especially those dear to me. O great Saint, whose triumph we celebrate on earth, intercede for me, that I may one day behold the crown of glory bestowed on thee in Heaven, and eternally bless Him who so liberally rewards for all eternity the sufferings endured for His love during this short life. Amen.


O most pure Virgin, glorious Martyr, St. Philomena, whom God in His eternal power has revealed to the world in these unhappy days in order to revive the faith, sustain the hope and enkindle the charity of Christian souls, behold me prostate at thy feet. Deign, O Virgin, full of goodness and kindness, to receive my humble prayers and to obtain for me that purity for which thou didst sacrifice the most alluring pleasures of the world, that strength of soul which made thee resist the most terrible attacks and that ardent love for our Lord Jesus Christ, which the most frightful torments could not extinguish in thee. So, that waring thy holy cord and imitating thee in this life, I may one day be crowned with thee in heaven. Amen.

Saint Philomena Powerful with God!

In our love for St. Philomena, we follow well the direction and example of the Roman Pontiffs:

Pope Leo XII granted permission for erection of altars and churches in honor of St. Philomena.
Pope Gregory XVI on January 30th, 1837, solemnly raised her to the altar giving full authority to her cult in the whole Catholic world and for all eternity.
"... When the representatives of the Living Rosary were prostrate at the feet of His Holiness, the auguest Head of the Church, deigned to bestow a special blessing upon the Association, under the auspices of St. Philomena, pronouncing these words: 'Now all the Living Rosary is under the protection of St. Philomena! PRAY TO ST. PHILOMENA, WHATEVER YOU ASK FROM HER SHE WILL OBTAIN FOR YOU.' (1836... Ven. Pauline Jaricot to Associates)
Pope Pius IX granted to her the glorious title: Patroness of the Children of Mary.
Pope Leo XIII raised the Confraternity of St. Philomena to an Archconfraternity and approved the cord of St. Philomena giving special privileges and indulgences to all who wear it.
Pope Saint Pius X raised the Archconfraternity of St. Philomena to a Universal Archconfraternity and named St. John Vianney its Patron. This Pope and great Saint of Holy Mother the Church solemnly declared:
"... to discredit the present decisions and declarations concerning St. Philomena as not being permanent, stable, valid and effective, necessary of obedience, and in full-effect for all eternity, proceeds from an element that is null and void and without merit of authority." (1912)

Saint Philomena, Patroness of the Children of Mary, pray for us!

Pauline-Marie Jaricot, Virg.The Living Rosary Association was founded by Pauline Jaricot in 1826, approved and indulgenced by the Holy Fathers. This devotion is principally dedicated to Saint Philomena and is one of the most excellent ways to pay her honor and win her favor. The principle intentions of the Universal Living Rosary are: THE TRIUMPH OF THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY and the honor of our beloved Patroness. Saint Philomena keeps nothing for herself but leads us to the feet of her Rosary Queen.

The Universal Living Rosary Association. The National Confraternity of St. Philomena. P.O. Box 1303, Dickinson, Texas 77539, USA


  1. St Philomena..Thanks!

  2. I first heard of this brave young girl when I read the biography of John Vienny. I am determined to establish a devotion to her to help bring about the conversion of my children and their spouses. St. Philomena, pray for us in these troubled times!

  3. St. Philomena has given me some amazing miracles. I call on her every day.

  4. St. Philomena is truly a miracle worker! In this economy, she helped me to sell my home and find a new job!

  5. I encourage you to visit the newly re-designed website for the Universal Living Rosary Association of St. Philomena at,

  6. To learn much more about the Living Rosary Association and Pauline Jaricot, please visit:

  7. The Universal Living Rosary Association official website is:

  8. @13The Universal Living Rosary Association -

  9. St Philomena patroness of the children of Mary is indeed a great friend and intercessor; I owe many thanks to her for great unbelievable treaures and favors obtained from God almighty.
    While we pledge devotion to her let us not take our eyes off the cross of our salvation; knowing that as St Philomena went through tribulation into everlasting joy, we shall one day pass through to glory through our faith in God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
    St Philomena please pray for me for my personal intentions.

  10. I agree completely. Saint Philomena brought me into life in Christ Jesus. I was confirmed Catholic in 2004 and have since spent many thousands of hours researching her and all the saints that are devoted to her. And all aspects of life surrounding anything to do with her.

    I am such an unlikely Christian. If you knew my whole story, you would understand that indeed, out little friend, Saint Philomena, Is very very powerful and brings many souls to Christ, as she did with me.

    The one thing that feeds my passion to continue to work for her, and Our Lady is that I want as many others to have the same opportunity to be led to Christ as I was.

    The reason I posted the link to the Living Rosary Association is because, that is not the first website I have done the research for, developed, designed and built, in my service to God, for the Glory of His Name.

    But, is the most recent and up-to-date work I have done.

    Again, that link is:

  11. Please continue to pray for my wife, that she may turn to God so that he may change her heart and reconcile our marriage in Jesus'name we pray.

  12. I just discovered this amazing saint. I can't wait to enrich my life by learning more about her!

  13. I am looking for a copy of the booklet that is sent out maybe dated 1996
    it has Our Lady of Perpetual Help on it with the words,
    It's late it's very late but there is still time.
    It is sentimental to me as it was an answer to a prayer.
    I would like to get a copy if I can. Thank you
    Margaret Coleman

  14. Thank you Saint Philomena, for prayers answered! Please, let the seeds of happiness be successfullly sewn. Amen

  15. tnx 4 all u done me philomena

  16. Saint Philomena - Thank you for answering my special prayer to be a mother. Please hear my related prayer to remove certain distractions from my life so I can concentrate on being the best mother that I can to my beautiful daughter. Amen.

  17. St. Philomena please heal my husbandand find work for my son.Amen.

  18. St. Philomena, please hear my prayers! Please intercede for me and reunite me with Beau, the love of my life. Amen.

  19. St. Philomena, please hear my prayers. Please intercede for me and reunite me with Beau. He is the love of my life.


  20. St. Philomena,
    Happy feast day. I honor you on this your special day. Please hear my prayers and intercede for me so that I do not lose my job. Please help me

  21. Saint Philomena please intercede for the conversion of my ex-fiance whom I still love very dearly. I ask you Saint Philomena to please ask our Blessed Mother to intercede before her son JesusChrist in obtaining a favor from him, to allow my ex and I to reconcile and to live pure,chaste lives together. Thank you Saint Philomena for your intercession.

  22. Please pray to St. Philomena that my son gets a full time permanent job in his field soon so that he can support his wife and family. His internship ends next month. Thank you.


  24. Thank you Saint Philomena for looking out for me and my family!

  25. St philomena, I just discovered you, but I pray that you intercede for me to live a holy life, and for the fruit of the womb.. Thank you St Philomena

  26. I have loved St Philomena ever sine I first read about her back in the late 80s.Today I asked her help because I had accidentally left some library books on my bus and was scared I would lose them. I got them back two hours later; I had put them in a cloth grocery bag which I thought was empty. But when I opened the bag, along with the books was a holy card...and GUESS WHO was on it??? I am going through qa lot right now, still dealing with the loss of my dad and my home, and trying to get a good job so I can get a decent place to live. I am praying to her for help and strength, and I think this incident today showed that she's going to walk me through it all. Thank you and God Bless you, St Philomena!

  27. I eat, breed and sleep Saint Philomena, ever since the day I heard about her she has been my constant help and protection. I lost my job in 2010, and later on that year I was blessed with a better job, all my praises go to Saint Philomena who is powerful with God.

  28. florenceaustin91@yahoo.caWednesday, June 08, 2011

    I pray to you St.,Philomena every day and she has helped me find a job when I lost my own last year. St Philomena I pray for you to help my son pass his exams and find a job for he summer. I worship you through my father in heaven.

  29. Thank you St. Philomena for answering all my prayers. You are truly a miracle saint. I come unto you with faith and confident, have mercy on me. I ask you humbly and request you to unite me with Loganathan @ Ramesh with me. You know how much I love and care for him. He is the love of my life. I have went through a lot of pain and torments in my life. I'm so depressed and in great stress. You showed Ramesh in my life and I belief that there is a reason for you to bringing him in my life. I find love and comfort in him. I don't want to lose him. I want him so much in my life. All I ask for is, whisper to him how much I love him and let him accept me in his life. I beg you St. Philomena that grant me this request. Eventhough, it requires a miracle but I trust in you because you are the wonder worker and whatever I ask from you, you will obtain for me..Please St. Philomena give me Loganathan s/o Arumugam or else known as Ramesh in my life. I will always thank you for all the blessings given to me and I also thank you for all my prayers and requests that will be granted by you in future. Thanks, St. Philomena.

  30. Thanks St. Philomena for answering my prayers. St. Philomena has given me miracles in my life. Thanks for giving Ramesh in my life. He accepted me and given his answer. I'm so happy because after all these years of waiting, at last I found the love of my life. I will always praise you, St. Philomena and you are really a wonder worker. Be always with me and guide me!

  31. St.Philomena I adore you and I praise you. Always be with me and Ramesh. Grant us your blessings! I humbly request you to change Ramesh's attitude and bring him to me. I also humbly ask you to help me to settle all my debts and help me financially. I believe and trust in you, St. Philomena. Thank you wonder worker.

  32. St. Philomena I come unto you with faith and confident. You have granted most of my prayers but yet you are testing me. I still have trust in you that's why I stand before you sinful and sorrowful. I ask you humbly to answer my prayers. I want Loganathan @ Ramesh to understand my love and accept me in his life. I just don't know what is stopping him to accept me. I want him in my life because without him my life is incomplete. Let both of us love each other more closer and deeper. I just don't want to lose him in my life. Please St. Philomena let him admit his love because he doesn't understand my love. I won't disturb his family, I just need his love and care. I need him to commit himself and be loving to me. Please St. Philomena whatever I ask from you, you will obtain for me. Please I humbly ask you to change his attitude and explain to him how much I need him in my life. St. Philomena please whisper to him that I want him and ask him to call me at least daily and send messages to me daily. I thank you St. Philomena for everything and please answer my prayers. I believe in you because you are a wonder worker and you can make miracles take place.

  33. St Philomena i really like a man please make it work for us and please bless our union....i really love him. I hope he loves me too. I would love to be his husband in the future. Please bless our union and please help me to have trust in your intersecion. Thankyou

  34. Thank you, Philomena! An unexpectant crisis emerged and was added to my novena of already urgent needs. You removed it and exposed those who were the hidden causes of it and I thank you with all my heart. Now I pray you will go back and take care of all my original novena requests. I am so helpless and have a multitude of difficult needs. Saint Philomena, you are truly favored by Our Lord and Lady. Thank you, God for the intercessory power you have given your glorious saints.

  35. Several years ago, I had a special request and stumbled across the story of St. Philomena. I began to read everything about her that I could find. In one book about her life, it stated that I was to inform people about her. I purchased a few St. Philomena pocket metals and mailed them to a friends I knew were struggling in their life. I also copied sections of the book telling who she was and mailed them along with the metals. I myself have a metal and prayed novenas to her. My prayer was answered!

  36. St. Philomena, thank you so much for your intercession. I love you and will spread devotion to you always. Thank you.

  37. St Philomena...I thank you for giving him in my life. I want him to accept me as his life partner. St Philomena, please help me to buy a new car. I pray to you with confident and I belief that you can make miracles happen. I want to ask my love of my heart for some financial help to buy the car. Please touch his heart, soul and mind and whisper to his ears to help me financially. I really need this car very badly. Please St Philomena help me. I belief in miracles and whatever I ask from you, you will obtain for me. I thank you for everything and always give me your blessings....

  38. I pray that my Methodist husb. join me in the Catholic faith. I pray that St. Philomena whisper my request to Immac. Mary and sweet Jesus for his conversion process. I pray all my needs are approved and validated with the holy spirit blessing. I pray that a financial blessing help me continue my charitable donations to many saints and intercessors. I pray that your new website safe and not hacked like during the holidays. I look forward to being blessed in purchasing 54.00 commerative box of Rosaries, chaplets, medals, pic. of St. Philomena to send to poor countries in Africa, The Phili. Mexico, Russia, Hondur.and USA. I look forward to praying daily to Jesus, Immaculate Mary, 7 other saints including yo

  39. St. Philomena has been my faithful intercessor for over a decade now! my life is truly BLESSED! I LOVE ST PHILOMENA!

  40. St. Philomena please remember my family.Thank you so much.

  41. Thank you St Philomena for hearing my prayers.

  42. I thank you St Philomena for the blessing you have given my husband and I. I humbly ask that you hear the prayers that I offer up you and particularly that my husband get a job in which he is happy and satisfied. Through your intercession I know that the lord will hear my prayers and though I am a humble servant I have faith that you will help me and my family.

  43. Gail wishes to Praise the Holy Trinity & Our Lady of All Nations for providing the holy Saints who have achieved our prayer requests, so quickly. Thanks to St Philomena, St Rita, St Anthony & St Jude help of the hopeless. I recommend these saints, some
    times you may have to be patient. May God Bless you all.

  44. Gail wishes to thank the Holy Trinity & Our Lady of All Nations for providing us with rapid responses from St Philomena, St Rita, St Anthony & St Jude help of the hopeless. I recommend these Saints when in dire distress. May God Bless you all.

  45. St. Philomena, thank you for finding me and working miracles through your intercession. I know that through your intercession, I will be healed. This is ask through Christ our Lord. Amen and Amen.

  46. Thank you St. Philomena.

  47. My ever dear saint Philomena I myself and my husband JC love you so much. I and my husband put you in our hearts and our lives, we thank you for all the blessings that you have given to us. Thank you for the job that you have showered for us. Thank you for the food that we eat everyday. Thank you for all the love and care that you have showered. My dear Saint Philomena, please forgive our sin. I knew Saint Philomena that i committed a sin, but to tell you frankly my dear Saint Philomena i repent almost all the time the sin i have committed. I am crying and begging you my dear Saint Philomena to please obtain our special and most wanted prayer to make my own family together with my husband JC. My dear Saint Philomena please hear and give us miracles for we want to have a baby, i am wishing and dreaming to conceive one of these days. We are asking for your heavenly power to grant our special prayer to make my family complete. We love you Saint Philomena and my husband and I are confidently hoping for your devine miracle for both of us. Starting on sunday wwe are going to visit your house for prayers. And we promise to you Saint Philomena, we are going to dedicate to you the gift that we are going to recieve from your devine and holy power. Please send us your holy spirit to make our special wish happen. Thank you in advance and we love you very much SAINT PHILOMENA...J&C couple of hope

  48. Thank you Saint Philomena for the blessings you have given my family. You have truley awakened a deeper faith within me and for that I am so very thankful.

  49. St Philomena please be with me

  50. Ever dearest saint Philomena, we thank your for the blessings that we received everyday, thank you for the love and care that you've showered us, thank you for the new life and the good health that you've been given to us. My husband and i are in eager to have our own baby came from our flesh with your great power and miraculous wonder worker, make our dream come true dear Saint Philomena please hear us we are very confident that your are going to answer our holy prayer to complete our own family. Please our dear Saint Philomena send us your holy spirit snd give us some good signs for that i am going to concieve. Thank you very much dear Saint Philomena. You knew us as a couple Dear Saint Philomena. We Love you So Much. Full of Hope and Confident. J&C couple.

  51. Ever dearest saint Philomena, we thank your for the blessings that we received everyday, thank you for the love and care that you've showered us, thank you for the new life and the good health that you've been given to us. My husband and i are in eager to have our own baby came from our flesh with your great power and miraculous wonder worker, make our dream come true dear Saint Philomena please hear us we are very confident that your are going to answer our holy prayer to complete our own family. Please our dear Saint Philomena send us your holy spirit snd give us some good signs for that i am going to concieve. Thank you very much dear Saint Philomena. You knew us as a couple Dear Saint Philomena. We Love you So Much. Full of Hope and Confident. J&C couple.

  52. Dear Saint Philomena thank you for the love and care that you have given to us as a couple, thank you for the good health, new life, work. thank you for my family that really loves us as a couple. Thanks for our new home where we can continue our life as a couple. Thanks for everything and your presence in our daily lives with my husband and me. We love you so much dear saint philomena. I am here always to ask only one wish, the that could change our way of living, the that could make us more and more responsible and dedicated to our lives every day. Please obtain our great and special wish dear saint philomena. Allow me to conceive, allow me to get pregnant this time because this is the right time and good timing for us as a couple to have a baby my dear saint philomena. Whatever the difficulties of myself in conceiving please cast out all bad things in my uterus so that the baby will grow inside my womb to complete my own family. I am confident my dear saint philomena that you will grant my husbands wish and my special wish too, that i will be getting pregnant at this time without any hesitation by the virtue of power vested on you, please send us your holy spirit to work out of the wish that we are asking from you, please take good care of me during my every day travel to protect my future baby inside my womb, please obtain our special wish dear saint philomena in your precious heart and in your holy spirit through our father in heaven amen and amen. Couple of hope and confidence your beloved J and C couple. thank you so much dear saint philomena

  53. Thank you St Philomena for your powerful intercession to the Lord & Savior on my family's behalf. I will honor you always and forever!

  54. dear st phiomena please help becky to find the right degree course for her and help her to cope with it and university life amen

  55. dear st philomena please help becky to find the right degree course and help her cope with university life amen

  56. ever dear saint philomena may your spirit be with us this Christmas to answer our prayer. May our wish are now coming true to complete our own family by having a baby. We trust in you. Please grant us Saint Philomena, Amen.

  57. My dear Saint Philomena please listen to me and my husband. Please forgive all my sins as I repent for all the sins that I've done even before. Everyday with the power of your great miracles and intercession please hear my wish my dear Saint Philomena and hear the wish of my husband too. We wish to have a baby by the year 2013, please allow me to conceive this December as we are going witness the new years come. I knew that through your miracle where me and my husband believes it will come true 100%. we love you my dear Saint Philomena every hour every minute. You Saint philomrena and Jesus Christ is the center of Our hearts and our life. We love you so much Saint Philomena. Full of Hope and believes. J & C couple

  58. St. Philomena - I saw your picture on a billboard and saw that you were the saint of hopeless cases. I have been praying to you ever since for the happiness and safety of my grandchildren after my daughter tried to take away our contact with them after they have been such a presence in our lives. We are now seeing them thru a Court Order which went in our favor only due to your intercession and that of St. Anthony and St. Jude. I pray to you to please, please continue to help us in this difficult time and to help our daughter who obviously has mental problems. God bless our grandchildren. I love you St. Philomena. You are my only hope.

  59. Thank you St. Philomena, for your quick intercession, after my husbands hours were cut at work in February. As of March first, they have been back to working full time. This is such a relief, as I am a stay at home mom. I am a believer!

  60. St. Pilomena please help us that my husband who now foe a call for his jod on the ship as cook will be call Asap. We are big problems of debts please help us we nned help .thank you ,God bless.

  61. dear saint philomena please grant our prayer before my birthday comes thakns JandC couple

  62. Dear Saint Philomena I am of your believer I am begging you to please forgive me all my sins. I repent and repent almost everyday. I am asking your holy spirit to please be in my heart and in my life my dear Saint Philomena. I am asking your holy spirit to please listen to my novena prayer every night and please hear my novena prayer as our wish together with my husband to conceive this year before my birthday will come this july 3 will happen that I am now conceiving through your holy power showered to us please obtain for my novena prayer Saint Philomena. As I notice that almost all the time me and my husband get quarrel most of the time, I was thinking that we are not meant for each other saint philomena. As the time goes by my hope in conceiving is now going to be blur where it seems that theres no hope for me and my husband to complete our home and our family like others living together with their children. All my life I am like others who committed the sin and begging you to forgive me all my sins like others who had been forgiven and live happily ever until they get old, but it seems that my life ever has never change, my wish to god has been never heard, the heaven jesus christ will never ever forgive me. I accepted the fate that time will come the family I am started to build seems end quickly that I have never experienced for being a parent. I accepted this and endure it. I will ready myself that anytime I will be alone again my husband will find his way to another woman because of his attitude towards me, I said this because he shows actuations where he is going to break me and find another woman where can give him a child. I accepted Its my fault. I am begging you to save my lifetime relationship with my husband I fully trust and have 100% faith in you my ever dear Saint Philomena that my wish to be pregnant will come true soon. Amen and Amen...J&C couple

  63. I humble ask you dear St. Philomena ,please help me pray for my husband waiting for his job it is almost six months for waiting,and those who are waiting,who families to cater in their needs,.May I ask you forvyour quick intercession.I love you.

  64. Name sake I need a very good international job urgently. St Philomena I need you.

  65. St philomena am sorry I keep forgetting you sometimes. Obtain for me this one miracle and I shall tell ten people about you

  66. You came on your feast day St.Philomena and I know my life will change for better with you.Amen

  67. St. Philomena, Vigin, Matyr and Wnder Worker yes I have pray to St. Philomena The woner worker asking for her help with my financial situation with I prayrd ans ask St. Plilomena to intercede for my I need 5000 to paid for some loans, other pressing bills I have been playing the play 4 and cash 3 to get some help with my bills due to lack of hours at work and I need your help to recieved money also to purcahed a car I need asap for work for me and my daughter and granddaughter please intercede for me noe thank you

  68. Thank you st. Philomena I have prayed to st. Philomen for the second time because I wasn't not able to publish it the 1 time I wasn't acessed to a computer Now I am home this is my 8 day praying and asking st. Philmons the virgin Martyr. the wonder worker to intercession grant, obtin for me my special request fora money blessing to paid off my debt and please ask the Lord Jesus to help me to get my bills paid and to a car . Thank you St. Plilomena for listening and answering my plead for help

  69. dear st philomena, i just lost my job yesterday. i pray you will help me find a better job. thank you for your love and care and your powerful intercession. cep

  70. I pray St. Philomena will intercede for me especially after this car accident in which someone wreck into me, totaled my car, and cannot get to work. I am praying that the person has insurance and covers all damages and lost wages. I also pray that a substitute will fill in for me for tommorrow. Thank you St. Philomena.

  71. Thank you St Philomena for hearing our prayers especially in my family's time of need. You are very special to us and we continue to pray to you for your intercession, protection and thanks.

  72. Thank you St Philomena for the graces my family has received through your intercession.

  73. Great Saint Philomena please let my daughter come back to me. Please save her future and speak to her heart. Do not let anyone separate us. Please intercede for us as nothing is refused to you. Protect us from all dangers. Let us be reunited.

  74. Thank you St. philomena for being the patroness of the living rosary and a miracle worker in our family life. You came to comfort my burnt baby with your relic and took her pain and sorrow away. You continue to heal my sight with your powerful intercession. I love you and thank you for your help. You can trust St. Philomena!

  75. THANK YOU SAINT PHILOMENA, I LOVE YOU SO, SO MUCH!!!!! my husband wanted a divorce and did not want to speak to me. I have been doing the novena...last night as I fell as sleep in tears...I had a beautiful dream that she was comforting me. I did not wake up because I literally felt her presence. as the day husband called to say that he wanted to work things out. That he is really looking forward to going to couples therapy. His tone was softer and their was a peace in every word he spoke. This saint is a true miracle worker for all...especially for families and marriages. I pray and visualize and give thanks to God, Christ, Mary and all he saints and angels for continuing to make miracles in my life and others. I hope that someone reads my comment and gets inspired to not give up hope! AMEN!!!...XOXOXOXOXOXO TO ALL

  76. st. Philomena I thank you so much its through you I have received a lot of blessings and miracles, oh great saint forgive me all my sins, also as my internship is over please help me in getting a permanent job so that I can help my family, also st. Philomena pray for me so that I can be provided with a good future husband. thank you st. Philomena for your all blessings to me you've answered a lot of my prayers and I believe and trust in your novenas.

  77. Thank you st. philomena for all blessings through your prayers, as my internship is over help me in finding another permanent job, grant me all that desires i deserve. thank you st. philomena for being faithful to me since i kne you from 2005 and i will always trust on you.

  78. Dear St. Philomena and Dear Venerable Pauline, please intercede in asking that my husband be blessed with a job and improved health, and that Barbara's cancer be completely healed. It is with the greatest of faith and trust that I request your intercession. Praise God.

  79. My Name is jessica Ruiz, From United States. I wish to share my testimonies with the general public about what this man called Dr Dahiru has just done for me, this man has just brought back my lost Ex husband to me with his great and powerful prayers from God, I was married to this man called williams we were together for a long time and we loved our self's but when I was unable to give him a child for 2 years he left me and told me he can't continue anymore then I was now looking for ways to get him back until a friend of mine told me about this man and gave his contact email, then you won't believe this when I contacted this man on my problems he prepared this powerful prayers and bring my lost husband back, and after a month I miss my month and go for a test and the result stated am pregnant am happy today am a mother of a baby girl, thank you once again the great Dr Dahiru for what you have done for me, if you are out there passing through any of this problems listed below: (1) If you want your ex back. (2) if you always have bad dreams. (3) You want to be promoted in your office. (4) You want women/men to run after you. (5) If you want a child. (6) You want to be rich. (7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever. (8) If you need financial assistance. (9) How you been scammed and you want to recover you lost money (10) Cure for HIV - you can contact him via: email

  80. My Name is jessica Ruiz, From United States. I wish to share my testimonies with the general public about what this man called Dr Dahiru has just done for me, this man has just brought back my lost Ex husband to me with his great and powerful prayers from God, I was married to this man called williams we were together for a long time and we loved our self's but when I was unable to give him a child for 2 years he left me and told me he can't continue anymore then I was now looking for ways to get him back until a friend of mine told me about this man and gave his contact email, then you won't believe this when I contacted this man on my problems he prepared this powerful prayers and bring my lost husband back, and after a month I miss my month and go for a test and the result stated am pregnant am happy today am a mother of a baby girl, thank you once again the great Dr Dahiru for what you have done for me, if you are out there passing through any of this problems listed below: (1) If you want your ex back. (2) if you always have bad dreams. (3) You want to be promoted in your office. (4) You want women/men to run after you. (5) If you want a child. (6) You want to be rich. (7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever. (8) If you need financial assistance. (9) How you been scammed and you want to recover you lost money (10) Cure for HIV - you can contact him via: email

  81. Please st philomena I beg you to help me to conceive ather health baby very soon I am so desperate. I beg you hear and answer my pray though. Your intecession with god the father help me to contuie to have health children and for my son to have lots of health sisters and brothers to play with as his an only child I beg you st philomena answer are prays I no it's going to take a mircles but please I place all my trust in you amen

  82. Please st philomena I beg you to help me to conceive ather health baby very soon I am so desperate. I beg you hear and answer my pray though. Your intecession with god the father help me to contuie to have health children and for my son to have lots of health sisters and brothers to play with as his an only child I beg you st philomena answer are prays I no it's going to take a mircles but please I place all my trust in you amen

  83. Plz pray for the health of my famliy st philomena especially for my daughter and for my husband to come back home i know nothing is impossible with you if it be Gods will..thank you

  84. Anon...

    My faithful and adorable St Philomena...I was once a member of a prayer group that purely devotes our prayers to you....I was unable to attend now due to my work and study commitments...But I always kept a picture of you in my living room...

    Please I fervently ask you to intercede for me that my house be sold immediately. I ask that you bless my husband, brothers, nieces nephews and other femily members...May we all live in love peace and harmony...and protect us all....please help my eldest niece to make peace with her mother and other sisters and brothers. please heal her continously.....and help me achieve my future projects in order for me to help those that are in need.

    Saint Philomena ....please intercede for me and my husband and my family.....AMEN

  85. Anon...

    My faithful and adorable St Philomena...I was once a member of a prayer group that purely devotes our prayers to you....I was unable to attend now due to my work and study commitments...But I always kept a picture of you in my living room...

    Please I fervently ask you to intercede for me that my house be sold immediately. I ask that you bless my husband, brothers, nieces nephews and other femily members...May we all live in love peace and harmony...and protect us all....please help my eldest niece to make peace with her mother and other sisters and brothers. please heal her continously.....and help me achieve my future projects in order for me to help those that are in need.

    Saint Philomena ....please intercede for me and my husband and my family.....AMEN

  86. Anon...

    My faithful and adorable St Philomena...I was once a member of a prayer group that purely devotes our prayers to you....I was unable to attend now due to my work and study commitments...But I always kept a picture of you in my living room...

    Please I fervently ask you to intercede for me that my house be sold immediately. I ask that you bless my husband, brothers, nieces nephews and other femily members...May we all live in love peace and harmony...and protect us all....please help my eldest niece to make peace with her mother and other sisters and brothers. please heal her continously.....and help me achieve my future projects in order for me to help those that are in need.

    Saint Philomena ....please intercede for me and my husband and my family.....AMEN

  87. Anon...

    My faithful and adorable St Philomena...I was once a member of a prayer group that purely devotes our prayers to you....I was unable to attend now due to my work and study commitments...But I always kept a picture of you in my living room...

    Please I fervently ask you to intercede for me that my house be sold immediately. I ask that you bless my husband, brothers, nieces nephews and other femily members...May we all live in love peace and harmony...and protect us all....please help my eldest niece to make peace with her mother and other sisters and brothers. please heal her continously.....and help me achieve my future projects in order for me to help those that are in need.

    Saint Philomena ....please intercede for me and my husband and my family.....AMEN

  88. St philomena, my daughter has met a really nice gent whos mother has cancer. Could you please intervene and place a miracle upon her. My daughter will place your prayer and oil into her hands and pray it works. Thankyou for hearing my request..geraldine..

  89. Please please saint philomena help me to concieve a baby n give birth to a healthy baby I trust In you to help me & my husband to have a baby I wear your cord in your honour n I will talk to you everyday n hope u help me plz saint philomena help me, I will make sure I tell all my family and friends about you being a miracle worker AMEN

  90. Thank you, St. Philomena, for healing me of my GERD. I had such horrible breathing problems with my acid reflux that I could not even focus on anything during the day, except trying to breathe. This lasted for nearly three months! And even on medication, the breathing problem was still not good. The medication I was taking gave me awful side effects.

    I prayed to St. Philomena to heal me of my GERD, not so I could return to eating unhealthy, but so I could breathe normally again and focus on what I needed to focus on. I also prayed that I would not have to take any more medications as the side effects of long-term use were not good.

    I prayed the 9 day novena to St. Philomena, the daily prayer to her, as well as the St. Philomena chaplet for 9 days. I didn't get healed immediately after the 9 days, but I was eventually healed in the same month--after much suffering with my breathing. I honestly thought I couldn't make it, but I kept praying and begging, and through the intercession of St. Philomena, I was healed--and no more medication!

    I promised St. Philomena I would publish the favor granted to me, and so I am doing that today. Thank you, dear Saint. Thank you Jesus.

  91. Dear St. Philomena,
    I pray for conversion for everyone in my family and my friends and enemies & (ongoing conversion for myself). I pray for my brother, that he find a job and my husband, that he find a job near to the family. I pray that,if it's God's will, that we may have another child(ren), and for the strength to carry our crosses, as you did. I pray for faith, hope and charity, and the grace to become a Saint. Please also heal Bob. Thank you for helping us to have our Madeleine.

  92. Thank you St. Philomena for a returned cycle! This gives us hope for a child..

  93. Me and my husband has been married for about 6years now but have not be able to get pregnant and last year his family member want me out of the house because they said i was on unable to give them a child and they want him to get married to someone else i have know where to run to one day a friend of my told me about Dr Gboco on how powerful he is and how he has also help her with spell so i have to contact him immediately on his email: and he told me what i have to do which i did and after 7days i started seeing some changes in my body and i have to go and have a test carried out on me and find out that i was pregnant and it was just like a dream to me and my husband are very happy now and even the family member love me more than ever before and i finally put to birth feburay this years thanks to Dr Gboco.
