Monday, February 20, 2006

A Pledge of Divine Mercy

My friend, are you not seeking happiness? Take this picture and meditate upon it...
Look at our world enveloped in darkness, a darkness brought about by our sins, by your sins. The world is corrupt, unhappy and a prey of evil.
Look at all our miseries, your miseries. Do you understand now why the Hearts of Jesus and Mary are united in the same sufferings and are pierced by the same sword?
Yes, God ist moved to compassion at the sight of all your troubles, because He ist "LOVE". Having created you in His image and likeness, He has also given you a heart, so that united to Him, you may be happy.
God is moved to compassion at the sight of your miseries, because He loved you, even unto death on the cross. He even gave us His Mother as she stood at the Cross, that Cross which you see surrounded by the fire of His Infinite Love.
Behold this fire, all this love that unites the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. The love that the Mother of Jesus, our Mother, bears for us is boundless. Her love is like a golden bridge that binds our fallen nature to the divinity of her son. Mary is truly our spiritual mother. She is the way. She is the sure and easy way that leads us rapidly to the knowledge and love of Jesus.
Finally, look at the two rays of light that shine forth and flow from the principal wound of the heart of Jesus; the ray on the right is white, the one on the left is red. The white and red rays represent the water und blood that sprang from the heart of Jesus, when it was opend by the thrust of a lance on the cross. White symbolizes Water that washes the soul (that is, Baptism, Grace, our Blassed Mother Mary); the red symbolizes that Blood which is the Life of the soul (that is the Eucharist, the living Person of Jesus).
Now, my freind, if you whish, this picture could become for you "a pledge of divine mercy". In other words you could again become a happy man. To accomplish this, turn the picture over, read the prayer on the back, then volontarily renew your baptismal promises, renouncing Satan und consecrate yourself to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, united in the splendor of the Holy Spirit.
This may well be for you the beginning of a new life, a life of real happiness, as you discover that the Eucharist is your strength, that the two arms of Love are prayer (especially the rosary) and penance (the fulfillment of the duties of your state in life).
"Yes, Lord, yes, Father, you alone are the Holy One, You alone are able to give us true happiness. May your Kingdom of Love enter the hearts of all our brothers, by and trough the reign of Jesus and Mary. AMEN.
O Jesus, I give myself to you through the sorrowful and immaculate Heart of Mary to be forever a source of consolation to your Sacred Heart. Sacred Heart of Jesus, may Your kingdom come through the sorrowful and immaculate Heart of Mary. Amen.

Approbatur et Imprimatur, March 25, 1973
+ Marius Paré, Ordinary of Chicoutimi
Diffusions Mariales Enr., P.O.Box 728, Janquiere, P.Q., Canada - G7X 7W6

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