REMEMBER, O most Holy Soul of my Jesus, all Thou hast done and suffered for my soul, and let it not perish. I beseech Thee, through the anguish that forced Thy very Hearts Blood from Thy Sacred Veins, and I conjure Thee to bathe mine, and all poor sinners in that precious Stream, which ran down in ruby drops upon the ground. Remember the deep and boundless love Thou hast shown to it, and drive not away from Thee, fainting under the weight of its miseries and sorrows. O deign to feel for its weakness; behold the dangers which encompass it on all sides, the evils which cause it to sigh and groan.
Full of trust and love, it comes to Thee, O most tender and compassionate of all Souls; receive it in Thy Mercy and Goodness; cause it to feel the effects of Thy most plentiful Redemption, and the excess of Thy burning love. Show Thyself its advocate with Thy Heavenly Father, in the name of all Thy merits, Thy humiliations, and sufferings, and grant its strength in all its struggles and grace to love and console Thee in time, that it may possess, praise, and thank Thee for all eternity. Amen.
Soul of Jesus, sorrowful unto death, would that I could console Thee in Thy bitter anguish and grief.
From: Devotions to the Sacred Head of Our Blessed Lord; Imprimatur: Jacobus Canonicus Carr, Pro Episcopo Liverpolitano.
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